Jordan Archaeological Museum



The Jordan Archaeological Museum is located in the Amman Citadel of Amman, Jordan. Built in 1951, it presents artifacts from archaeological sites in Jordan, dating from prehistoric times to the 15th century.


The collections are arranged in chronological order and include items of everyday life such as flint, glass, metal and pottery objects, as well as more artistic items such as jewelry and statues. The museum also includes a coin collection.


The museum formerly housed some of the Dead Sea Scrolls, including the only copper scroll, which are now on display in the newly established Jordan Museum, along with the Ain Ghazal statues, which are among the oldest statues ever made by human civilization.


The collections of the museum belong to the following periods: Paleolithic Period - Neolithic Period - Chalcolithic Period - Early Bronze Age - Middle Bronze Age -  Late Bronze Age - Iron Age - Persian period - Hellenistic Period - Nabatean Period - Roman Period - Byzantine Period - Islamic Period - Umayyad Period - Abbasid Period - Ayyubid Period.